A Shifting Burden

Health-care providers in low- and middle-income countries are having to adapt to deal with the growing problem of non-communicable disease.

October 2018 sw_admin 0

The Death of a Study

A long-term study of childhood disease burned through $1.3 billion in taxpayer funds, only to be mothballed before it ever got off the ground. Why? Read the article to find out. Cited by NPR as a “must-read” article for Memorial Day weekend 2016.

July 2016 sw_admin 0

Is Agent Orange Still Causing Birth Defects?

American warplanes sprayed millions of gallons of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War. Some researchers and the Vietnamese government insist that its toxic effects last generations. Read on to learn more from my reporting trip to Vietnam last year.

March 2016 sw_admin 0